Automatic Text Change on a Form


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 06:06
Jul 26, 2007
Hi Guys,

This might be quite simple to do (hopefully without VBA), but I'm not sure how to do it.

I'm writing a personnel database and on the holiday section I want the text to say "Holiday Year 08/09" but between 01/04/09 & 31/03/10 I want that text to change to "Holiday Year 09/10" and I want it to do it for the next seven years, ie to show "Holiday Year 14/15". Is there a way to do this. I started to do it on a query and got it right in all the columns but when I came to put it in the form, I realised that wasn't the way to go.

However, on saying that I might have been on the right track but just need an instruction on the form that says "if the date is THIS then look THERE on THAT query" - or am I just talking rubbish?

Thanks for help in advance. :confused:
Please try this:
="Holiday " & IIf(Month(Now())>3,Str(Year(Now())) & "/" & Str(Year(Now())+1),Str(Year(Now())-1) & Str(Year(Now())))
And you needn't THAT query to look THEREEEEE
Hope it is what you want and useful.
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That's worked a treat - thanks so much!

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