Automatically update db to web


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 13:49
Apr 5, 2001
Hi, everyone.

My company would like to set up a website where clients could look up the results of lab tests we do for them. I have a working prototype written in ASP and using a "mini" version of our in-house database. My question is, what is the best way to update it?

I want to continue using a mini version of the database, since it's not necessary for all of the data to be on the web. I figure that updating the web database once a night would be sufficient. If anyone has had experience with this or has any good ideas on how to automatically create and upload a stripped-down version of the db, it would be greatly appreciated.

Are the Dbase and the Website on the same machines? Different machines? If different, are they on the same Local network?
We're small, so we don't have a server or anything. The website is just through a hosting service.
oh. that shoots my ideas on the matter to heck then :(
Look up transferdatabase. If you create one query for each table you wish to put in the web db, you can use transferdatabase to transfer all the info into the web db and then upload the web db to your site.:)

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