Barcode Identifying Macro….


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Yesterday, 21:35
May 14, 2012
Hello, I am seeking a tip on how to add a function to my database. Currently I have a database to track materials for manufacturing. One table holds the raw materials and a different table holds the finished goods. Each has a different barcode indicator for example raw materials would look like this (BC-R####) with the “#” being a digit. Finished goods would look this this: (BC-SD###). Each type has a different form and different needs. Raw goods can use either a 3 or 4 digit number after the indicator letter.

What I would like to do is have an entry that someone can scan or enter a barcode, then the system would check corresponding table either raw materials or finished goods. If a record with a matching barcode is found I would like it to open the record in form view, otherwise I would open a new data entry in form view.

I am sure I can do most of this in “if statements” however I am not sure how to tell the system to identify the barcode by the indicator letters.
Have you already got printed barcodes, you know the ones with vertical lines?
Have you already got printed barcodes, you know the ones with vertical lines?

Yes I have, and there are nearly 1,500 records/ items labeled with them. The "vertical lines" as you say are interpreted by a barcode scanner into a set of numbers and/or letters on a computer. I have programed my barcode printer to print them in these formats (BC-SD###) or (BC-R####). If you have not worked with a USB barcode scanner before the computer treats it as if it was typed by a keyboard.

Having Access accept a barcode is easy, and I have been using it for years. My problem is having Access take a text field with 3-4 wildcard digits at the end and cross reference two separate tables.

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