basic ticketing system design - suggestions welcome


Registered User.
Local time
Tomorrow, 04:39
Nov 16, 2011
i am trying to work out the best way to build a small database that will record bookings for theatre seats.
does anyone have a sample design or suggestions for a good design i could refer to?
i was planning to have a table for seating (each seat has unique id) , a table for the ticket holders and another table for the sessions.
Should I store the seat status (sold or available) for each session in a separate table (linked to the seating table & the sessions table)?
and somehow update this status when a booking is made?
any suggestions would be appreciated.
Should I store the seat status (sold or available) for each session in a separate table (linked to the seating table & the sessions table)?
Yes - but no need to store status - if a record exists it is sold, if it doesn’t exist it is available
i am trying to work out the best way to build a small database that will record bookings for theatre seats.
does anyone have a sample design or suggestions for a good design i could refer to?
i was planning to have a table for seating (each seat has unique id) , a table for the ticket holders and another table for the sessions.
Should I store the seat status (sold or available) for each session in a separate table (linked to the seating table & the sessions table)?
and somehow update this status when a booking is made?
any suggestions would be appreciated.
  1. Does the theatre host different types of events (music, plays, lectures, movies etc.) or just one type? If yes, you will need an Event Type table.
  2. Can each event happen only once or on different dates? If yes, you will need an Event Date table.
  3. Can you host two separate events on the same day at different times?
  4. Does the theatre have different seating sections? Each section with a different price for tickets? If yes, you will need a Seating Section table.
  5. Does each ticket holder have an assigned seat or can they sit anywhere?
All of these questions influence which tables need to be designed and how they relate to each other.
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You should note that another thread exists currently in the forum regarding ticket sales. Is this a class assignment?
Most theatre booking systems seem to have some curious logic. They won't let you leave a single seat in a row, for instance..

They also seem to allocate your seat then give you a limited time to complete your booking, or lose your allocation.

Airplane systems do something different as they generally don't allocate seats, and even if they do will often oversell seats. I don't know if they resell specifically allocated seats.

Some sales systems let multiple shoppers out items in baskets, and then "sell" then at checkout. A shopper can then find an "out of stock" message when they try to complete the purchase.

So you need to decide what approach you are taking first.

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