Biden Confirms That His Administration Was Corrupt

The video said "could"
Rotting in the silos? It's only been a few days
yes, being facetious. Farmers don't make money on products they don't sell. Many rely on those programs. The surplus also drives down profits.
Maybe the Clinton Foundation could pitch in a few billion they stole from Haiti and elsewhere, just a thought.
yes, being facetious. Farmers don't make money on products they don't sell. Many rely on those programs. The surplus also drives down profits.
Okay I see what you're saying. Yeah I don't think he's planning to keep all this on pause for a minute longer than needed and probably putting 100% of it on pause was a bit of a overreaction but I mean I am glad that they're finding what they're finding
The problem with the subsidies is that they are abused. A farmer needs more money so he decides to grow soy beans but there is a glut on soy beans so the government pays him to not grow any. Sounds like a plan to me.
What are the benefits to farm subsidies? I mean from a higher level economic perspective. Why not just let the farms who have planned the best and be successful, be successful? Or is there some advantage to basically subsidizing the ebbs and flows
The problem with the subsidies is that they are abused. A farmer needs more money so he decides to grow soy beans but there is a glut on soy beans so the government pays him to not grow any. Sounds like a plan to me.
What are the benefits to farm subsidies? I mean from a higher level economic perspective. Why not just let the farms who have planned the best and be successful, be successful? Or is there some advantage to basically subsidizing the ebbs and flows
Subsidies are prone to abuse and distort the economy. Nevertheless, there are some legitimate reasons for providing limited farm subsidies, which cause me to have cognitive dissonance since I'm basically opposed to subsidies. Also high sounding goals, over time are prone to corruption as the recent USAID scandal has demonstrated.
Our farms and farmers are just as important to our national security as steel is. We lost steel. We are now losing our farmland. I don't recall the Constitution being a suicide pact.

Monsanto is also a threat to our food chain with their genetic manipulation of crop seed. They have also added a huge annual cost to farmers by not allowing farmers to save seed from their current crop and use it to plant next year's crop. Every year the farmer has to purchase new crop seed from Monsanto. They even get sued if by accident some of last year's crop reseeds itself. I'm very happy that I can now buy legacy tomatoes in almost every supermarket. They may not always be pretty but they normally taste very good.
Monsanto is also a threat to our food chain with their genetic manipulation of crop seed. They have also added a huge annual cost to farmers by not allowing farmers to save seed from their current crop and use it to plant next year's crop.
Monsanto is a case of the pendulum of supposed "intellectual property/patent" swinging too far for the benefit of the corporation. What would be interesting: farmers suing Monsanto for "damages" and "rent" when wayward seeds "infect' adjacent fields devoted to other crops. What goes around can come back to haunt you.
Yeah team. They should know before Monsanto and so they should sue. I love the idea.
Thanks, that gives me at least a few ideas about farm subsidies.
I was thinking maybe some of the subsidies were to help smaller farmers stay in business, which then made me wonder if that was really good economics/philosophy (as mom and pop's in every industry have been eventually shuttered in favor of larger operations), which then made me wonder what was the justification for subsidies
And don't get me wrong - I am heartbroken over small family farms going out of business. They are so good for culture, community, and growing up, I know as I grew up working on them and seeing how they shaped the community conscience, personality etc
I liked this pithy remark from Mammoth Nation.
Biden came in to office claiming Hunter's laptop didn't exist. He's leaving office giving him a pardon for everything that was on it.
Biden came in to office claiming Hunter's laptop didn't exist. He's leaving office giving him a pardon for everything that was on it.

and anything that wasn't on it too:( Think about the crisis the laptop caused. The drunken drug-addled Hunter forgot to pick up a computer he left for repair and this resulted in Biden having to pardon his entire family for unspecified crimes. Wonder if Biden even has a clue what crimes were committed by the family as they spent years peddling his influence around the world.

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