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Why? The question I asked myself is why do the geese separate out into black and white?

It's definitely not something the dogs choose, but the dogs enhance the natural tendency for the black and white geese to congregate ...

Now why do the geese group themselves by colour?

Well it's safe to say I have no idea!

But I suspect it's for the same reason that zebras are black and white.

I understand that because the zebras all look the same, then it makes it difficult for predators to single one out.

I wonder if it's the same evolutionary trait coming into play here?
I wonder if the geese think of themselves as black or white? If you were to paint a black one white, and a white one black, would they naturally gravitate to the new color group?
Dr Jordan b Peterson explains why zebras are black and white.. This is why I asked the question do the geese group by colour to confuse predators?

Wow. I guess on the wildlife shows, we always see the scientists tagging the predators. It is amazing how much sense Peterson makes as he states the obvious.
It is amazing how much sense Peterson makes as he states the obvious.
You want to see his interpretation of the Bible stories. He's a psychologist and he can see the psychology in the stories, and it interprets it for the layman like me....
In a way, this makes perfect sense in light of the 2016, 2020, and 2024 elections as well as the continued Democratic sniping at Trump. He stands out from the rest of the herd, so OF COURSE he gets singled out. Which says something about the mentality of the herd that is doing the (figurative) sniping.
Humans are herd creatures. We band together for survival. We want to belong so the herd will protect us. Creatures not part of the herd are perceived as threats. That, in a nutshell, is why immigrants are perceived as threats, especially when they arrive in large groups and are slow to assimilate. They are not "us". No other reason. It doesn't matter who the immigrants are or where they come from. When they arrive en masse, they are a threat to the herd. When the Pilgrims arrived in Plymouth, the Indians were friendly and welcomed them and helped them to survive. Once the immigrants started coming in large groups, the natives were no longer friendly.

Trump is the leader of a rival herd and therefore a threat.
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