Bookmarks showing number in to many decimals


Active member
Local time
Yesterday, 20:43
Jun 12, 2009
Hi guys,

just wondering if someone hast already come to a similar issue.

I have create a word template with bookmarks.
After I fill those bookmarks with a decimal number say 52,23 as shown in the form it displays the number 52,2345647854

I have in the form set the properties of the textbox to fixed size and 2 Decimals and also have set the query in the same manner but get still the same issue in every
number I like to fill the bookmarks.

Has someone know a why to overcome this issue?

Many thanks

maybe that is the real value of your field and you only seeing the Formatted two decimal value.
try assigning a Rounded number, eg:

bm = Round([YourDecimaFieldName], 2)
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Hi arnelgp,

many thanks yes that was it many thanks!



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