Bootcamp Homework Help: Option Button Isn't Populating Query


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Today, 07:15
May 5, 2023
I have a query that is supposed to populate in my unbound list box when the option button is selected.

Screenshot 2023-05-21 175544.png

But it isn't populating


The "Type as you go filter" does work with the "Starts with..." option button, but the list box isn't generating the query on click.


Private Sub Form_Load()

Me.txtFltr_lstMtrls.Enabled = False

End Sub

Private Sub fraSrchTyp_AfterUpdate()
Select Case fraSrchTyp

Case 1
Me.lstMtrls.RowSource = "qrylstMtrls_SrtsWth"
Me.txtFltr_lstMtrls.Enabled = True

Case 2
Me.lstMtrls.RowSource = "qryMtrls_Cntns"
Me.txtFltr_lstMtrls.Enabled = True

Case 3
Me.lstMtrls.RowSource = "qrylstMtrls_All"
Me.txtFltr_lstMtrls.Enabled = False

End Select
End Sub

Private Sub lstMtrls_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
If Not IsNull(Me.lstMtrls.Value) Then
'Me.Recordset.FindFirst "MtrlNm = '" & Me.lstMtrls & "'"
End If
End Sub

Private Sub txtFltr_lstMtrls_Change()
If txtFltr_lstMtrls.Text = "" Then
lstMtrls.RowSource = "qrylstMtrls_All"

        If fraSrchTyp = 1 Then
        lstMtrls.RowSource = "qrylstMtrls_StrtsWth"
        lstMtrls.RowSource = "qryMtrls_Cntns"
        End If
End If
End Sub


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Hi. Welcome to AWF!

I am not sure I understand the problem. Do all your queries for the Listbox show any records in them? Where does the "start with" and "contains" information come from?
Hi. Welcome to AWF!

I am not sure I understand the problem. Do all your queries for the Listbox show any records in them? Where does the "start with" and "contains" information come from?
Hi! Under the query criteria comes my "starts with" and "contains" information. I have 3 queries: 1) starts with 2) contains, and 3) all materials. All of my queries correspond with each option button.
Hi! Under the query criteria comes my "starts with" and "contains" information. I have 3 queries: 1) starts with 2) contains, and 3) all materials. All of my queries correspond with each option button.
In the image you posted, I see the list box get populated when you select an option except for starts with. That's why I asked if all your queries return data. The form seems to work from what I can see.
I train my users to use the * character so users enter



or just
for all records
Private Sub lstMtrls_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
If Not IsNull(Me.lstMtrls.Value) Then
'Me.Recordset.FindFirst "MtrlNm = '" & Me.lstMtrls & "'"
End If
End Sub

It is not failing, but your extraneous requery makes it seem like it does. If you do a find first it moves to the record, then you immediately requery bringing it back to the first record. It appears to do nothing.
Also if MtrlNm is numeric get rid of the parentheses.

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