We are a Custom Carpentry Business
I have a Materials Purchased table with a Cust# and Job# KEY. The other fields are:
From our Vendors, when we purchase Materials, we can get 2 different things:
1) the individual weekly Vendor "cash register" receipts
2) a weekly summary statement of all purchases from the Vendor.
Assuming the "cash register" receipts will NOT have the Customer/Job# on them ...
And that the Individual cash register receipts will have to be later manually marked (each line) with the appropriate customer/job#
And assuming that we WILL be able to get a weekly summary of purchases downloaded into our system using a "dummy" Customer/Job# key - which would be the Vendor's ID.
Best Way to DO THIS IS ?? :
"what FORM and/or CODE would make the MATCHING UP of the Individual "now coded" Receipts TO THE DOWNLOADED DATA - SO THAT THE Customer#/Job# we SELECT WILL REPLACE the "dummy" key we applied to the Summary download."
Basically, we are looking for suggestions regarding the FASTEST method to get this "MATCH-UP" done ..
I have a Materials Purchased table with a Cust# and Job# KEY. The other fields are:
From our Vendors, when we purchase Materials, we can get 2 different things:
1) the individual weekly Vendor "cash register" receipts
2) a weekly summary statement of all purchases from the Vendor.
Assuming the "cash register" receipts will NOT have the Customer/Job# on them ...
And that the Individual cash register receipts will have to be later manually marked (each line) with the appropriate customer/job#
And assuming that we WILL be able to get a weekly summary of purchases downloaded into our system using a "dummy" Customer/Job# key - which would be the Vendor's ID.
Best Way to DO THIS IS ?? :
"what FORM and/or CODE would make the MATCHING UP of the Individual "now coded" Receipts TO THE DOWNLOADED DATA - SO THAT THE Customer#/Job# we SELECT WILL REPLACE the "dummy" key we applied to the Summary download."
Basically, we are looking for suggestions regarding the FASTEST method to get this "MATCH-UP" done ..
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