Buy your peerage here

  • Thread starter Thread starter Rich
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Rich said:
Hey Tony if I lend you a tenner can I have a knighthood.

"we're going to stamp out corruption and nepotism" Bliar you're a liar and hypocrite :rolleyes:

I've sent Tony a postal order for 50p. From now on you may refer to me as Lord barryMK of Access. I promise not to let my elevation to the peerage change me. Now move aside you snivelling peasants and allow your betters to pass.
BarryMK said:
Now move aside you snivelling peasants and allow your betters to pass.
Are you going to claim your feudal rights with the local wenches, or is that the preserve of the Bishops? :confused: :D
Rich said:
Are you going to claim your feudal rights with the local wenches, or is that the preserve of the Bishops? :confused: :D

Aaaaaah Droit du Seigneur, I believe. Absolutely, I shall rise to the occasion as to the manner born. I trust you had doffed your headgear before addressing my person?:D
Doffs Cap

humbly speaks

Ear Guv wots this abart free champers in yur lastpost

Len the champer quaffing serf
How about Conrad Black the Canadian businessman. He gave up his Canadian citizenship so he could become a British peer. Now he's under indictment in the US for a variety of charges.
He wants his Canadian citizenship back because there's a treaty between Canada and the US that if you get jail time in one country you can serve it in the other if you're a citizen.
The Canadian government told him to get stuffed.
Len Boorman said:
Doffs Cap

humbly speaks

Ear Guv wots this abart free champers in yur lastpost

Len the champer quaffing serf

Now listen peasant I'll only tell you once. Champers is for us Hoity Toits not you base-born serfs. The very idea!:eek:
Len Boorman said:
Doffs Cap

humbly speaks

Ear Guv wots this abart free champers in yur lastpost

Len the champer quaffing serf

Now listen peasant I'll only tell you once. Champers is for us Hoity Toits not you base-born serfs. The very idea!:eek:
BarryMK said:
Now listen peasant I'll only tell you once. Champers is for us Hoity Toits not you base-born serfs. The very idea!:eek:

That's why we don't wash our feet before trodding the grapes, your worshipness :cool:
I can't read the link, and I don't understand the term peerage. Can someone please explain what that is to this poor southern belle without clue. :o
A "peer" is a Lord of the realm (anthing from Duke down). It can also be a commoner who is granted a title. Generally its a minor one such as viscount or marquis. In the past it was generally reserved for persons who had performed great services for Britain rating greater honour that a knighthood. The term has come into some disrepute of late for the reasons stated above.
It usually comes with a seat in the House of Lords. After all the Thatcher Tory years, the Lords is currently dominated by Conservatives. Mr. Blair who is a Labour PM wants to see more Labour peers in the House of Lords to balance it out. As a result he is appointing people to "peerages" who's qualifications are questionable.
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