Calculate a Total when Filtering a SubForm


Registered User.
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Yesterday, 19:54
May 23, 2013
I am trying to calculate the total [QtyProd] of a filtered subform and have the total update on the main form. I can get the total to calculate for the whole table but when I filter the table it doesn't update. I am probably missing something simple... let me know if you need any additional information.

I am filtering the subform like this and it is based off a query:
Private Sub btnSKUQuery_Click()
    Me.subForm.Form.Filter = "SKU = [txtSKU]"
    Me.subForm.Form.FilterOn = True
End Sub

The code inside my QtyTotal box is
I think your code should be:
Private Sub btnSKUQuery_Click()
    Me.subForm.Form.Filter = "SKU = '" & Me.txtSKU & "'"
    Me.subForm.Form.FilterOn = True
End Sub
Actually both work just as well... not sure which is best practice though. I also need to know how to make the filtered information total in the subform and update a field on the main form with the filtered total.
Once the filter has been applied, the total in the sub form will be recalculated.
The control on the main form can be updated with the following line of code:
I have realized that my control was updating from a static query rather than the sub-form or filtered results. It won't let me attach my database but msg me and I can email it to you or share via Google Drive. Can you look at frmStorageSub and let me know how I can get the filtered results in subForm based on the Unbound txt at the top to total in the ctrQty control at the bottom.

Thanks for any help... I am sleep deprived and very lost.:banghead:

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