Can I link to a sheet without specifying a cell?


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Today, 14:08
Jul 30, 2014
Can I create a link to a sheet that does not specify a cell, so that the cursor remains on the sheet where it was previously, as if I had clicked on the tab for the sheet?

I am working on a spreadsheet with a long list of financial accounts on the "Accounts" sheet and links to locations on other sheets with detail. I would like to create a link that takes me back to the same cell on the "Accounts" sheet that I was at before I clicked the link. Note that the other sheets may have many accounts referenced on the same sheet and I rather not create a link for each account back.
I doubt it, as each row would be a record? You would need to store you last location.

However easy enough to try out surely?
I am just clicking a link. I don't see how I would retrieve the information about the link I just clicked. However, if I click the "Accounts" tab directly, it goes back to where I was in the "Accounts" sheet. Is there a way to simulate clicking a sheet's tab in Excel.

This sheet will be used by other people, so I want to avoid VBA code.
Sorry, I was thinking of linking in Access, did not notice the forum. I just go on What's New.

Have you tried Worksheet("NameOfSheet").Select or Activate ?
However that is VBA, which you do not want to use and that simulates clicking a sheet's Tab in Excel.
Can I create a link to a sheet that does not specify a cell, so that the cursor remains on the sheet where it was previously, as if I had clicked on the tab for the sheet?

I am working on a spreadsheet with a long list of financial accounts on the "Accounts" sheet and links to locations on other sheets with detail. I would like to create a link that takes me back to the same cell on the "Accounts" sheet that I was at before I clicked the link. Note that the other sheets may have many accounts referenced on the same sheet and I rather not create a link for each account back.
use VBA. on the accounts page code an application.goto for the detail pages, and store the 'last place your cursor was' in either a global variable or, better, a place on a hidden worksheet. use the same type of vba, application.goto, on the detail pages to go back to THAT place on the accounts sheet

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