Cascading combo box issue


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Today, 18:29
Jan 19, 2015
Hi everyone.

I wasn't sure if it was best to make a new thread or update an existing one.

We've got an Access Database that I've helped edit in the past, but it's built in what I think is a slightly weird way (might not be), and I'm struggling to get it to do something I want.

I've got the cascading combo boxes set up so that, depending on which employee is selected, different "rate" options appear as work done. If I open the database afresh and select an employee (for example, employee 9 in Image 1 and employee 19 in image 3) the rates given to that employee are correct.

However, if the database remains open, I can't get the rates to update with the selected employee - even if the employee is clicked, rentered, etc.

Image 1: Freshly opened database, - Correct Rates


Image 2: Database remains open, - Incorrect Rates


Image 3: Freshly opened database, - Correct Rates


Image 4: Database remains open, - Incorrect Rates


I've tried to make it requery when clicked... or before the event... or on form click... or anything, but it doesn't want to know. I'll try to upload examples of the code, but I'm going over the stuff I've already done wrong.

But is it obvious where I am going wrong?
Yes it is.

You have assumed that you can have cascading combos in a continuous form. You cannot, because there is only one instance of each combo in total, not one per line. That means only one record source is valid for a combo in all the lines.

There is a fiddle to make it appear as if the combos are cascading:
Thanks, I really appreciate the help.

Hopefully I can work it out from this, thanks a bunch!

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