Change Year as Scroll bar moves


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 15:30
Jun 2, 2008
As I move the scrollbar, I have to change the year once the month reaches Dec. There are 2 textboxes, one shows year and the other next year. The textboxes can expand and shrink.

For example:

When I open the form the it shows Year 2008 and months jan, Feb. .......Dec.

As I scroll forward, now the months show as Feb, mar,........Dec, Jan. Now it should show Feb,Mar.........Dec as 2008 ,and Jan as 2009.

Any hints are appreciated.
 For intMonth = 1 To 12
        If Year(Forms!frmPipeline("txtMonth" & intMonth)) > Year(txtYear1) Then
            txtYear2 = DateAdd("yyyy", 1, txtYear1)
            txtYear2.Left = txtYear1.Left + txtYear1.Width 

            'txtYear2.Width = how to set the width of txtbox 2
            txtYear2.Visible = True
        End If
If you post a sample of what you are doing, I'll bet some bright poster will come up with a solution.
what has this got to do with a scroll bar?

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