Changing linked table location programatically


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Today, 13:20
Aug 19, 2014
I am after a script to change the linked table paths like the following.

It will only ever be the path that is changing not the file name and only ever linked tables

for each table in tabledefs
if table.path = c:\Testing* then table.path = w:\Testing\filename
if table.path = c:\Jobs* then table.path = w:\Jobs\filename
if table.path = c:\Quotes* then table.path = w:\QuotesNew\filename
next table
a linked table stores within it's structure the path to the linked table. so changing the path means changing the linked tables

you can either change the stored path and refresh the link (I think that works), or what I do, which is for each linked table to delete the link, and rebuild the link.

this sort of think.

for each linked table
update link

(sorry, I haven't got time to post full code)
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef

For Each tdf In CurrDB.TableDefs
    ' If the table has a connect string, it's a linked table.
    If Len(tdf.Connect) > 0 Then
        tdf.Connect = "MS Access;PWD=" & dbFilePass & " ;DATABASE=" & dbFileFullPathAndName& " "
        tdf.RefreshLink         ' Relink the table.
    End If
Next tdf
dbFilePass - your BE db password
dbFileFullPathAndName - Full path + BE db full name
The problem I have is that there are actually around 6 back end databases that the various tables are linked to, that's why I wanted the if statements, if c:\Jobs, c:\Quotes etc...

I did not set the back end databases up this way, just working with pre-existing databases.

Maybe if I had a script to list the Original linked path's in a table and then in the 2nd column I could copy and paste the table names and adjust the paths and then run an update script to change original link path to NewPath(field) names.

Are you able to help with that.
The problem I have is that there are actually around 6 back end databases that the various tables are linked to, that's why I wanted the if statements, if c:\Jobs, c:\Quotes etc...

I did not set the back end databases up this way, just working with pre-existing databases.

Maybe if I had a script to list the Original linked path's in a table and then in the 2nd column I could copy and paste the table names and adjust the paths and then run an update script to change original link path to NewPath(field) names.

Are you able to help with that.

All that is required is passing in the full path and filename of your backend databases. In your case the function would be run six times.

Here is a function I use in one of my applications (written many years ago):

Function LinkTables(pStr_File As String) As Boolean
On Error GoTo Err_LinkTables

    ' following two Dim assignments were assigned at the Module level
    ' included in function for demo purposes 
    Dim gWs As Workspace       ' was Global gWs as Workspace
    Dim gDb As Database         ' was Global gDb as Database

    Dim dbBackEnd As Database
    Dim tdfExtTables As TableDefs
    Dim tdfLocal As TableDef
    Dim intTableCount As Integer
    Dim intK As Integer
    Dim intX As Integer
    Dim strPrefix As String
    Dim strLinkTableName As String
    Dim booSuccess As Boolean
    Set dbBackEnd = gWs.OpenDatabase(pStr_File)
    Set tdfExtTables = dbBackEnd.TableDefs
    intTableCount = tdfExtTables.Count - 1
    strPrefix = "MSys"
    For intK = 0 To intTableCount
        strLinkTableName = tdfExtTables(intK).Name
        If Not Left$(strLinkTableName, 4) = strPrefix Then
            Set tdfLocal = gDb.CreateTableDef(strLinkTableName)
            With tdfLocal
                .Connect = ";DATABASE=" & pStr_File
                .SourceTableName = strLinkTableName
            End With
            gDb.TableDefs.Append tdfLocal
            intX = intX + 1
         End If
    Next intK
    booSuccess = True
    LinkTables = booSuccess
    Exit Function
    booSuccess = False
     Resume Exit_LinkTables

End Function

I've removed some unnecessary lines (necessary for my application) only to make it more to the point. Also added the first two Dim statements gWs & gDb. I do have error routines but removed them for the time being as I'd have to fiddle with them as well (time). You must first unlink/delete existing linked tables otherwise errors will be generated.

pStr_File = Is your full path and file name of your backend data file.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for your help everyone,
I modified a few scripts and came up with the following which I will add my other 4 database scripts to, just used 2 for testing at this stage

Sub test()
Dim dbs As DAO.Database
Dim tdf As DAO.TableDef
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Dim NewLink As String, NewLink1 As String
NewLink = "w:\Price List\Supply_2002_be.mdb"
NewLink1 = "w:\Price List\Jobs_2002_be.mdb"

On Error GoTo Err1
For Each tdf In dbs.TableDefs
    ' If the table has a connect string, it's a linked table.
    If Len(tdf.Connect) > 0 Then
    If Left(tdf.Connect, 19) = ";DATABASE=x:\Supply" Then
        Debug.Print tdf.Connect
            tdf.Connect = "MS Access; PWD=" & dbFilePass & " ;DATABASE=" & NewLink 'dbFileFullPathAndName
            tdf.RefreshLink         ' Relink the table.
    ElseIf Left(tdf.Connect, 17) = ";DATABASE=x:\Jobs" Then
        Debug.Print tdf.Connect
            tdf.Connect = "MS Access; PWD=" & dbFilePass & " ;DATABASE=" & NewLink1 'dbFileFullPathAndName
            tdf.RefreshLink         ' Relink the table.
    End If
    End If
Next tdf
MsgBox "Tables Linked - Any Errors Follow" & vbLf & s1
Exit Sub
Debug.Print "This table path could not be changed " & tdf.Name & " " & tdf.Connect
s1 = s1 & vbLf & vbLf & "This table path could not be changed " & tdf.Name & " " & tdf.Connect
Resume Next
End Sub
Hi Everyone,

I know this post was ages ago but useful to me now. Thanks!
Very old post but I never thought of simply doing this.


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