@RFreund - preliminary observations and questions:
- some typos in naming fields - hopefully not in the real table: ProposalTypeID, ProjectCountry
- does the Main Proposal Table have a ProposalID PK (autonumber?)
- The type tables provide further detail specific to the type. Is ProposalTypeID a coded link to the specific record in a proposal type table? or an indicator of the Type of proposal only : eg 1 = RetainingWalls table, 2 = .. etc
- Can a Proposal consist of more than one of the types? If so, and more flexibly the table structure should be changed to have the ProposalID (see point 2) as a FK in each of the Type tables. (Removing the ProposalTypeID from the Main Proposal Table.) Yuo could also have more than one ProposalDetail of the same type in the same project - eg two retaining walls for the project at ...
- ProposalTypeID if it refers to the latter in point 3 will be a lookup table the ProposalTypeID being found in each of the ProposalDetail tables
Do you have the relationships between the tables defined in the relationship window? If so post a picture, if not you need to do so - perhaps after revisions suggested...
Re combining each of the specific project type tables: there may be common elements which may be generalised in the table field names and made specific in the context of the subform for the ProposalTypeID (probably better named as the PropsalDetailTypeID) - eg ManufacturedID, SystemID, ForensicID, however there appear to be quite a few specific to each type.
Do each of the type tables have a PK - autonumber to refer to the specific records?