Clear fields in linked objects


New member
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Today, 10:20
Jul 16, 2015
Hello everybody!

I am new in the Access world so i would really appreciate some help.

I am currently working on a main form in Access 2010 which includes quiet a lot of fields, therefore i choose to create parts of it (which are as well optional, as they do not apply to all records) as different forms which i linked to the "mother" form afterwards through a checkbox by using the following code:

Private Sub chkMajor2_Click()
Dim strformname As String
If Me.chkMajor2 = True Then
strformname = "Major 2"
DoCmd.OpenForm strformname, acNormal
End If

continued with..

If Me.chkMajor2 = True Then
chkMajor3.Visible = True
chkMajor3.Visible = False

End If

End Sub

to make the next form visible for selection after filling in the current one...something like an "add more.." field actually, which i choose to represent as checkbox. Please find bellow an image of it in case i don't explain myself good.

The issue that i encounter is that when i click the "Add New" button in the main form, it doesn't clear also the fields in the linked forms. Is it possible to do that with a VBA code? Or how should i proceed?

The current code that i have for the button is:
Private Sub cmdNew_Click()
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
End Sub

Thank you in advance!



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Look more closely at GoToRecord; you can specify the form.
Look more closely at GoToRecord; you can specify the form.

I tried but i didn't find a solution. Do you have any suggestion how can i approach it?
Yes, use GoToRecord twice, the second time referring to the second form.
I'm not sure how to refer to the second form..i tried by inserting forms("Major_2"). GoToRecord but it's not working... sorry, i'm a beginner in Access and in VBA so it would be useful if u could give me an example of a code because i didn't referred before to another object..
Thank you so much! I Googled as well but it seems that i didn't 'express' myself good :D I will try doing it asap!
No problem. It should also be in Access Help. I Googled "access gotorecord".
Hey! I just tried this option and it didn't work.. in the end i replaced the secondary forms with TAB controls on the "mother" form and it is working fine.

Thank you again for your time!
Glad you got it sorted.

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