Code builder


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Yesterday, 17:37
May 5, 2009
Hellow all !

I need help .. im new in vba code building .. i had some exp with vb codes.

Problem is ..

I need to make code who fills forms fields with information from tables.

Can some1 help lil ?
just make a bound form. use the form wizard to get you started.
with wizard is simple .. but i need with code builder. coz there will be same rules what data must output on form.. i must make somethink like age tree
need more info. but sounds like you need to build a QUERY first, then make your form bound to that QUERY using the WIZARD.

after the wizard, you can then move and alter your form as you desire and add code if needed. then again, what you want might be too complicated, but i have no idea because you haven't actually explained with enough detail: we don't know your access version, your table setup, your relationships/joins, what you've tried already, etc...

by the way, do you mean a "family" tree?

oh, and by the way - welcome to the forums, the tree of knowledge ;)
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hellow again ! :)

i added screenshot ..

there u can see table with information about dogs. his name, color, b-day, HIS nr and his parents numbers.

so if this dogs parents nr is example 3, that means that here in table is line where selfnumber is 3.

there is form. in that 1st text box i input number. and after button generate it fills tables with parents .. then grendparents etc ..

i hope u get idea ...

i dount know how to make this ... :(


  • dbexample.jpg
    100.1 KB · Views: 555
tyvm about this link ...

but i have some questions ...

what information is in this sirID and damID fields ?? what data type i must input there in my db ?

plz help .. :confused:
tyvm about this link ...

but i have some questions ...

what information is in this sirID and damID fields ?? what data type i must input there in my db ?

plz help .. :confused:
Like all Foreign Keys referring back to an Auto-number key they should type Long Integer. otherwise they should be the same type as the Primary Key.
Like all Foreign Keys referring back to an Auto-number key they should type Long Integer. otherwise they should be the same type as the Primary Key.

In one table i can make only 1 AutoNumber field ... :( ID field is AutoN. (prim)
In one table i can make only 1 AutoNumber field ... :( ID field is AutoN. (prim)
Quite Correct. That why I told you to use type Long Integer for SireID and DamID.

If you read the posts properly you might start to get somewhere with your project.
In one table i can make only 1 AutoNumber field ... :( ID field is AutoN. (prim)

what rabbie means is the type should be "Number", not "Autonumber". Autobumber is when you need to generate a number upon entering a new record, as the Primary Key (PK) does. However, a Foreign Key (FK) only needs to REFER to the PK number, not generate a new one, so the FK is just a Number - and as recommended earlier, of specific type "Long Integer".
tyvm about this link ...

but i have some questions ...

what information is in this sirID and damID fields ?? what data type i must input there in my db ?

plz help .. :confused:

btw, "Sire" and "Dam", is basically the horse words for "Father" and "Mother". it is just the name of those fields so that the information makes sense to the end-user.

let's say you ahve a "people" table. you mother is a person, and so is your father. as are you, and you may have children which are also people.

logically, all people go into the "people" table. so how do you link mother father and child? you link the people table to itself. the PK is reused as a FK in the same table, and this is achieved using the relationship setup provided in the link in the earlier post.
Hay again.

I successfully maded thos selfjoins. :) it realy works.

but now i have other Q:

I maded form with wizard, based on querry. Is there posible to edit fields (positions of text boxes) in way i need them ?

After viewing form all text boxes are grouped, but i must make sort in other way ... ???
select all those you want to remove from the grouping.

right-click, layout, remove (access 2007)

then you can move them about :)
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