Code to delete records in a Table


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 20:13
Feb 7, 2005
Can somebody point me in the right direction
for some VBA code to delete all records
in a table. I know I can create a macro and call the macro,
but like to do it in VBA

Thanks for any help
If you want to delete ALL the records use the following

Docmd.RunSQL "DELETE * FROM NameOfTable"

If you want to supress the warning message use

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE * FROM NameOfTable"
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

You can either create a delete query and then call the docmd.openquery in VBA

or you can run the Docmd.RunSql "Type the Sql in quotes"
Thanks guys. Here I was trying to do a recordset and some other
weird stuff
Taken another step further:
Function TruncateTable(sTableName As String) As String
' Purpose: Deletes all rows.
' Author:
' Test: ?TruncateTable("USys_temp_RuleExport")

DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.RunSQL "DELETE * FROM " & sTableName & ""
DoCmd.SetWarnings True

TruncateTable = SUCCESS

End Function
I have same issue and test your suggest code and solved ,,

tanks for all

warzer hassan

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