You can do all you need for this query from the query grid. Add the two tables to the list of tables participating in the query. If you predefined the relationship between the two fields that are being used to form the JOIN, it should show up above the grid. If you didn't pre-define it (and you didn't have to), then establish that relationship now.
The area above the grid is the relation area. It acts just like the general Relationships window except that it is temporary for the duration of this query only. Establish a one/one relationship NOW between the two prime key fields. If you establish this in the design screen, Access will automagically create a JOIN of the proper flavor for you in the SQL equivalent for that query.
On the icon bar, there is a button that allows you to select the kind of query you want to build. One of which is UPDATE. Select that.
Now, you will have in the grid the ability to select (via drop-down) the names of the fields you want from each table. There is a row for what is being updated and another row for the source of the update data. BOTH are drop-downs. BOTH should automagically be "qualified" by the table names since two tables are involved.
When you are finished, you can switch to SQL design view to look at it to verify that it makes sense. DON'T actually OPEN the query until you are ready to execute it, because opening an action query executes the action.
Don't bother with SQL syntax for this case. The query grid will do everything you want much faster, more accurately, and far simpler. AND you can switch to SQL view to LEARN the syntax any time. (Though the grid likes parentheses a little too much...)