Combo Box Woe


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:47
Jan 16, 2013
Hi all, hoping you can give me some advice on a combo box issue I have.

I have places a combo box on a form to allow a user to select a well which has been assigned to a project. The table the combo box refers back to is tblWellsAssigned.

The table has a project ID field, a well ID field and well name field + some other ancillary data.

Now, im not a virgin with combo boxes. Ive used them hundreds of times but this is the first time ive hit this issue.

Basically, when I try to select an item from the combo box (it populates properly with only the assigned well names, both well id and project id are hidden columns) it doesnt work.

What I get when i click on the combo box is this:


but when I try to click on any of them, regardless what i choose, it will always rever back to Well1.

Any suggestions? Im stumped and i have searched the forums and internet religiously for an answer before bothering you.

Hello KevlarKev, is this ComboBox i.e the Form bound or unbound? Check if the ComboBox has any associated event like BeforeUpdate, that is preventing a change of value..
Hi pr2

Its unbound and has no associated events. Just a standalone combo on a form. Cant see anything sinister about it at all.

The joke is that a combo box directly below it which links to another table works absoloutely fine...

Sorry all, just overcome it.

For some reason, if you place the ProjectID or WellID field as the first column it wont change?

I moved the well name to the first coloumn then hid the wellId and projectID as column 1 and 2 and now it works.



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