Here is my code...if I take out the where copies the remarks all the way down my table to all the records...with the where's prompting in for parameters..
Private Sub Remarks1_Click()
Dim strMsg As String, strQry As String, strRemark As String
strMsg = "Update All Comments in the Current view. IMPORTANT!!! Will update a the Viewed records."
If vbYes = MsgBox(strMsg, vbYesNo, "IMPORTANT!! Confirmation") Then
strMsg = "Please enter the remark"
strRemark = InputBox(strMsg, "Remark")
If Len(strRemark) > 0 Then
strQry = "Update Final_Table From Remarks1 = Remarks1 & '--" & strRemark & "' where [Final_frm].cboCostCenter = [Final_Table Query1].tboCostCen"
QuickQry strQry, False
End If
MsgBox "Action cancelled."
End If
End Sub
Private Sub Remarks1_Click()
Dim strMsg As String, strQry As String, strRemark As String
strMsg = "Update All Comments in the Current view. IMPORTANT!!! Will update a the Viewed records."
If vbYes = MsgBox(strMsg, vbYesNo, "IMPORTANT!! Confirmation") Then
strMsg = "Please enter the remark"
strRemark = InputBox(strMsg, "Remark")
If Len(strRemark) > 0 Then
strQry = "Update Final_Table From Remarks1 = Remarks1 & '--" & strRemark & "' where [Final_frm].cboCostCenter = [Final_Table Query1].tboCostCen"
QuickQry strQry, False
End If
MsgBox "Action cancelled."
End If
End Sub