Concatenating fields can also be done easily with sql or query design.
This query produces the body of a letter and uses a combination of "text" and [fields] to make up a line on the letter.
The query creates some 15 odd new fields of text.
To simply join two fields use [fieldname1]&[fieldname2] as NewfieldName
To add words you would use "Dear "&[firstname]&" "&[lastname]&"," as NewFieldName, to get Dear Bob Smith,
SELECT TBLLOAN.LDPK, [ADFirstName] & " " & [ADSurname] AS FullName, TBLEMPDET.EDName, TBLEMPDET.EDPost1, TBLEMPDET.EDPost2, TBLEMPDET.EDPost3, "data###### has granted a personal loan, LID " & [LDPK] & ", to myself and I authorise and" AS Line01, "request that commencing " & [LDST] & " the amount of K" & [LDPayK] & " be deducted from my pay" AS Line02, "every " & (Left([LDPayFre],Len([LDPayFre])-2)) & " for the next " & [LDPayNo] & " pay periods." AS Line03, "The deductions are to be paid to######## by company cheque / direct credit." AS Line03a, "In the event of my resignation or termination, you are authorised and instructed to pay from " AS Line04, "my entitlements the balance owed to ######### after any debts owing to " AS Line05, [EDName] & " are settled in full and before paying myself." AS Line05a, "This Authority is not to be canceled without the written approval of Club Group Limited." AS Line06, "Please confirm to ####### that the above request will be carried out" AS Line07, "by signing as indicated below." AS Line07a, "Payments to be made to #######," AS Line08, "ANZ Port Moresby Account ####### or BSP Boroko Account ########" AS Line09, "I also advise that should I not make the first repayment on or before " & ([LDSt]+14) & " I will have to" AS Line10, "pay a Late Fee of K" & ([LoanLateFee]*2) & " and should any further repayments be missed and or the loan" AS Line10a, "is not completed on or before " & [LDDTE] & " then I will be charged K" & [LoanLateFee] & " for every fortnight" AS Line11, "missed and every fortnight there after until the loan is completed." AS Line12, "I authorise these late fees to be deducted from my pay and paid to ########." AS Line13, TBLEMPDET.EDDedLetRef, TBLACCDET.EmployeeNumber