I am using The Allen Browne ConCatRelated VBA code and this has worked well for me for a number of years.
I now want to take the Concat Field and store this data in a new field. - And i am struggling to do so.
Current Code -
I managed to get a version working but it is not combining the records.
What do i need to change to make this work in a Query ?
I now want to take the Concat Field and store this data in a new field. - And i am struggling to do so.
Current Code -
tbInvoice = Nz(ConcatRelated("Invoice_Number", "TblQCPreRetailDetail", "Job_ID = " & Nz(Currentjob, 0)))
I managed to get a version working but it is not combining the records.
What do i need to change to make this work in a Query ?
UPDATE tblQCPlannedRTMCharges INNER JOIN Temp_Aged_Claims ON tblQCPlannedRTMCharges.Job_ID = Temp_Aged_Claims.Job_ID SET tblQCPlannedRTMCharges.Invoice_Number = ConcatRelated("Invoice_Number","Temp_Aged_claims","Job_ID = " & "Job_ID" & ", 0");