Confused regarding User Level Security


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 08:01
Aug 28, 2007
Hi everyone

I'm relatively new to MS Access, and I have no experience dealing with workgroups and user-security.

I have a database that I need to put on the company network. The database will be accessed by many different users and computers. How do I set up the database so that only certain users can modify data, and others can only read and display data?

I looked at
but wasn't sure if the steps outlined applied to my situation.
Should I use the security wizard? What are the pros and cons of the wizard?

Thanks in advance!!!
Search this forum for the topics "Workgroup" "Workgroup Security" "Securing a Database" and similar terms. This subject has been covered a gazillion times. You'll probably find a whole bunch of how-to articles and more than a few why-should-I articles.

As to whether ANY of them apply to you, who knows? Rhetorical question, actually... The only POSSIBLE answer is "You know or nobody knows" - since it is YOUR problem and only you understand it well enough to answer that question. Perhaps reading up on the security methodology will help you better frame the question.
only thing is, its quite complicated if your not used to it.

you need to plan who does what etc carefully before you start
Absolutely right, Gemma. As my old corporate accounting manager once said, "Piss Poor Planning Produces Pathetic Project Performance." (It was his answer to the six-sigma movement...)

The moral of the story: Plan ahead. Measure twice, cut once. You'll be happier for it.

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