Continuous Form or Datahseet Form Width Issues


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Today, 12:34
Apr 10, 2018
Dear All,
Hope you are all well.
I am in the process of developing an Access Database for projecting income. One of the Form object I am creating is for projecting Planned, Actual and Variance for each month from April to March (12 Month). It has columns like Apr Plan, Apr Act, Apr Var ..... up to Mar Plan, Mar Act , Mar Var. In addition it has columns for Total Plan, Total Act, Total Var.
However I noticed Continuous Form or Datasheet Form have max width of 55.873 cm. and for this reason I Couldn't fit all my columns into the Form. Is there a way to increase the width or can you advise what can be done in such circumstances.
I sincerely appreciate your help.

Kind Regards

Last edited:
You could put seperate forms on different tabs for each month all forms based on same table. However, Your table sounds like not normalized if you have columns for every month.

The table should be more like

IncomeType 'Actual, Planned
IncomeAmount 'Actual Income
IncomeMonth 'Date field 1/1/2018

Then using a crosstab query you should be able to convert to what you are saying.
Then make a query for each month or probably quarter. Then have 4 qtrs of tabs
Many thanks Majp for your advise. I am considering to re-design the form based on your advise.
I want to have a Form tab that shows Plan, Act and Var for each month. There will be another Form tab showing quarterly.
I am still wondering if Continuous Form or DataSheet can be customised to accommodate more than 55.873cm width.



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