I inherited a Access database and I need help to convert a SQL connection.
What is the equivalent Access SQL?
I inherited a Access database and I need help to convert a SQL connection.
What is the equivalent Access SQL?
SELECT CONVERT(VARCHAR(8), GETDATE(),112) AS system_date, acct, acct_name, symbol, sym_no, hold_type, sec_name, asset_type,
sec_type, cusip, sedol, isin,
Case when country = '' then 'US' ELSE country end country,
Case when currency = '' then 'USD' ELSE Currency end Currency,
mult, avail_to_loan, price,
convert(float,smktval,101) as smktval , sd_qty, box_qty, memo_seg, chilled--,CONVERT(VARCHAR(19), GETDATE(),120) AS DATE
FROM [xx.xxx.xx.xx].[DB PD].dbo.StkRec_History
WHERE (system_date =
(SELECT MAX(system_date) AS Expr1
FROM [xx.xxx.xx.xx].[DB PD].dbo.StkRec_History ))