Question Creating a search button on a form


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Today, 18:25
Jul 22, 2013

I'm an absolute beginner on access and need some help with putting a search button on a form on my database.

On the navigation buttons at the base of the form there is a search facility where I can type a record id but I would like to get rid of that and search records either by turning the ID field into a searchable box or by adding a button where I can press it and get a search box up.

Can anyone help? (Apologies if this is a very simple thing, I am a rank amateur on access so everything is new to me!)

Many thanks
Do you only ever want to search on the one (ID) field? A pretty easy way to do that is to have a button that assigns a variable to the contents InputBox, and then use that to define a filter, such as "[ID] = textInput". Both of those are common topics here that you should be able to search for.

A more complicated popup search form is also certainly possible with multiple fields, and/or logic, etc, but I'm guessing you want to start simple...

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