Creating Relationship


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Yesterday, 16:13
Apr 12, 2013

I am a novice to access. I am building a database in an effort to learn in the process. I wished to enquire about the possible issues that could be with defining the relationships that i have created in the project. (attached img).

I cannot seem to define a form based on these relationships to input the data.



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thanks for the reply.

I will be ideally looking to input all the tables with the information.

If the status of the site is Planned, I would need to update all the tables.

If on the contrary, the site is onair, it will need to have sitedb,sitecodestech, planstatustables(2G,3G,LTE,WiMaX), sitedesignpara.

I hope this is of help. The issue I see is that I have too many referential integrity relationships, and I am having challenge of updating all the related tables.

Best Regards,

I have uploaded my database, just in case it helps in explaining my problem.



The way i see it is that you need to use a lots of subforms.
What i dont understand is why u need tbl_sitedesignpara. You could obtain that by a query.
On a closer look over your db, i see that u dont need more subforms, just one. I really don't understand the db that you are trying to create. There are a few unnecesary 1to1 relations.
I have atached your db with a form (and a subform).
!!!Also, you need to review your tables. I dont see the point of an ID field if your PK is another field.


Hi Catalin,

thanks for the reply. Sitedesignpara has completely different set of fields. For each site id (from either of the tables to which it is linked), it may have as large as 9 sector id's.

The idea for sitedesigpara is to contain all the sector information for the project.

Thanks Catalin,

I will have a look at your modifications.

Best Regards,
Maybe i could help if you describe a little your project. What your db should do?
Hi Catalin,

I will try my best to explain what I am trying to achieve and I know I am very bad at explaining things. :(

Description of the project below:
The project aims to serve as an updated database of a network consisiting of sites with different technologies like 2G, 3G, LTE, and WiMAX.
The site is characterised by different properties as given by tbl_SiteDB & tbl_SiteDesignPara. A site may have any combination of different technologies on it.

If a new site is planned, it will be represented by a nominalsiteid (tbl_NomPlan) and may have different candidates (Tbl_Candidate) which could be considered as options for nominal. Once a candidate is "acquired", that candidate may then be considered to be onair and will move out of planning stage to operations.

The database also keeps track of existing sites with their respective technologies and sitedesignparameters. These SiteDesignparameters may be subject to change in the operations stage.

I hope it makes sense.

Regarding the form that you have created, I observe that it does a lot that i intended to do. I may need to add the technology part into it, if I can. (the tables about plan status). And also to include the sitedesignpara table somehow. I will keep working on it.

Best Regards,
I hink i understand the intentions for your db.
Not desregarding your work till now, i think you need to start over. The main reason is that in your current db you enter the same info more then one. Can i come with a db sugestion?
As I wrote earlier, I am a novice and I am open to all suggestions. :)

Kindly find attached typical data input that I am expecting to accommodate in the database in the form of excel sheet.



Roughly, i sugest a db structure like this. You can insert "locality", "project", "site_type" tables again (i was to lazy), but other tables i see no point in inserting. You have to customize the forms; you can activate "aproved info" only when nom_status is "aproved". Also, restrictions, imput masks and required conditions are at your discretion.
If you feel the need to talk about my sugestion, don't hesitate.
Hope it helps you!


Thanks again catalin,

I will have a look at the dB and get back to you.

Is there a way of getting in touch with you directly. I cant seem to find a way of sending private message. :(

Best Regards,
I cant figure it out eighter how to send pm. I dont know if it is ok to publish my email. If it is not a rule's breaker, my mail is same as username, on gmail.

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