Crystal reports issue after moving from Access 2010 to 2016


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Today, 12:15
Aug 13, 2008
Hi All, I've failed this afternoon to find a solution to this problem. We have an Access application that works fine in Access 2010 but fails in 2016 when we open a form with the Crystal ActiveX viewer on. When I say fail there is no error code it runs but the viewer is blank.

From various forms in the application we open this viewer form and pass in a Crystal report. However in 2016 the Crystal viewer appears to be empty.

The viewer is "Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Control 10.0" but I have tried changing this (and the reference) to Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Control 11.5".

The main section of code is below.

Thanks in advance.


    'Set Crystal report
    Set crApp = New CRAXDRT.Application
    Set crReport = crApp.OpenReport(strCurrentConnection & strReportName, 1)
    crReport.ConvertNullFieldToDefault = True
    crReport.EnableParameterPrompting = False
    DoCmd.OpenForm "frmCrystalReports_Viewer"
    With Forms!frmCrystalReports_Viewer.CrystalActiveXReportViewer_General
        .ReportSource = crReport
    End With
    Set crReport = Nothing
    Set crApp = Nothing
I know the OP is almost a year old but I saw no answer and I was having the same issue of a blank form when upgrading to Access 2013 from 2010 but still using Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer 11.5.

We installed Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer and replaced the Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Control 11.5 with 14.0 within the form and this fixed the issue.

Hope this helps anyone else having the same issue.
Hi tokash, thanks for posting your solution. In the end we opted to export the report as a pdf and open it in a browser control as we were running out of time. I will take a look at your solution as it's nice to know the answer. Thanks for taking time to answer this old post.

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