Custom ribbon based on condition


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 08:16
Jul 7, 2015
Dear all,
I am new to this forum, my question is that how it can be possible that form custom ribbon changed based on the condition on the form.
i.e Form Dashboard have a field name "User_Level" and value of this field may be 1,2,3,4,5 so on, and we have ribbon like Ribbon1, Ribbon2, Ribbon3, ribbon4, ribbon5 , i want to do here that i user level is =1 then ribbon1 display, if level is =2 then ribbon2 display and so on..........level=5 then ribbon5.
can any body tell me that is it possible or not.
thanks in advance.
Hi there and welcome to the forum. A form has a RibbonName property. Change the value of that property and the ribbon changes.
If Username = "Bob" Then
    Me.RibbonName = "BobsRibbon"
End If
This doesn't work for Modal or Popup forms.
I totally missed than ribbon stuff: thanks to remind me.

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