Darshan Hiranandani : How to Open Outlook in HTML Format Using DoCmd.SendObject in Access

Local time
Today, 08:40
Sep 13, 2024
Hi everyone,

I’m Darshan Hiranandani, using Microsoft Access to send emails through Outlook with a donor’s tax receipt attached. The email opens in Outlook with the recipient and subject already filled out, but it defaults to plain text format. I would prefer to have the email open in HTML format because my signature includes a logo and other HTML content.

Outlook’s “Compose messages” is set to HTML, so that’s not the issue. I’ve found solutions involving a lot of VBA code, but I’m hoping there’s a simple way to modify the existing code to open the email in HTML format when using the DoCmd.SendObject command.

Here’s the current portion of my VBA code:

'Emails or prints receipt
Dim continue As Integer
continue = MsgBox("Check receipt details before proceeding.", vbOKCancel, "Donor's tax receipt")
If continue = vbOK Then

If Not IsNull(Forms!frmDonorDonation!EmailAddress) Then
DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, "rptTaxReceipt", acFormatPDF, Forms!frmDonorDonation!EmailAddress, , "bwccr1955@gmail.com", "Tax Receipt Attached"
DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdPrint
End If

Exit Sub
End If

Darshan Hiranandani
google "Outlook" automation.
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