Would be great if I could get some help on this:
I have big table that gets updated almost every day with new data. There is a date column. I have a Form where I can enter queries. I need to add a panel where I can spcify if the query should involve the data should involve the date from last week only, from the last 2 weeks, from the last month or if the query should involve the overall data.
It somhow need to be check what the date is today and then caclulate back.
Any help on this would be much appreciated.
Would be great if I could get some help on this:
I have big table that gets updated almost every day with new data. There is a date column. I have a Form where I can enter queries. I need to add a panel where I can spcify if the query should involve the data should involve the date from last week only, from the last 2 weeks, from the last month or if the query should involve the overall data.
It somhow need to be check what the date is today and then caclulate back.
Any help on this would be much appreciated.