I'm trying to count the instances of a vendor ID appearing within my inspection log table within the last 12 months.
The base DCount works, but I'm having issues adding on the date criteria on the end. I've cobbled this together from various peoples reposonses I found on google.
Can someone take a look and assist please.
I'm trying to count the instances of a vendor ID appearing within my inspection log table within the last 12 months.
The base DCount works, but I'm having issues adding on the date criteria on the end. I've cobbled this together from various peoples reposonses I found on google.
Can someone take a look and assist please.
DRCVD = Date - 365
PREJ = DCount("ID", "Tbl_Inspection_log", "[Vendor]='" & Vendor2 & "'" And "[DATE RECEIVED] => # " & DRCVD & "#")