Default Overlapping Forms


Power User
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Today, 14:59
Feb 14, 2007
Is there a way to change the default for forms from tabbed to overlapping? Tabbed is just stupid...

You do it in Access Options/Current Database ?
File > Options > Current Database > In the Document Window Options, change it from Tabbed to Overlapping by clicking on the relevant radio button.
You do it in Access Options/Current Database ?

Thank you for the response.

I know how to change for the current database. I want to change the default so I won't have to visit options again for that issue.
Once you start a database, you decide at that point what you want. The first thing you do is to change to overlapping windows and save. I also dislike the tabbed interface so a better method is to create a template database with all your preferred setting and rather than clicking on new to create a new database, copy the template and rename it to the name of the new database. All your setting are already compete when you start. The template also allows you to include standard modules and forms. For example, I always have a switchboard form. Mine is based on the 2003 switchboard but I've modified it to look more modern and to have more than 8 items in the options list. I also include login, check link, relink, and lookup tables forms as well as selecting certain references.
Agree with Pat/Gasman about creating a template dB with overlapping windows set.
I also hate tabbed documents but unfortunately it seems to be impossible to set this as a default for new databases within Access. Perhaps there is a registry key that would allow this????
One of the things I ask for every year when I send my Christmas list to the MS Access team a separation of "all" db settings and "this" db settings. "all" get merged into "this" as the starting point for each new application but what I don't want is if you send me a database with different settings that mysteriously all my "all" settings become your "all" settings which has happened in the past.

So "all" needs to be stored externally to any particular database. An ini file or the registry are two options. Obviously "all" only comes into play when you are creating a new database. You don't want your "all" to supersede whatever the creator of a database you open set when the app was created or we'd have chaos.

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