Dlookup via query in vba


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Today, 18:28
Dec 2, 2010
Hi all, I have the following line of code to lookup a value from a range between two fields:

NewRate = DLookup("Petrol", "qry LookupPetrol", "[Minimum] <=" & Engine & " And [Maximum] >= " & Engine)

It runs and returns a value but it is incorrect. It returns the first value of Petrol it finds in the query. Data example below:

Min Max Petrol
0 1.4 0.14
1.5 2.0 0.16

Engine is 1.6 therefore 0.16 should be returned but it returns 0.14 ????
Are your fields named MIN and MAX or Minimum and Maximum? You are using both in your example and neither matches up with the table example or the code example.
Sorry they are Minimum and Maximum, my example wasn't very clear! But it was working correctly, someone had changed his engine size and I hadn't spotted it! Thanks anyway for the reply...

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