DMax syntax


New member
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Yesterday, 21:25
Sep 28, 2011
The code is as follows:

Private Sub cmd_ScopeID_Click()
Dim db As Database
Dim rst As Recordset
Dim i As Integer

Set db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset("tdatScope")
While Not rst.EOF

If IsNull(rst!scopeID) Then
rst!scopeID = Nz(DMax("[scopeID]", "tdatScope", "[room]= '" & rst!room & "'") + 1, _
[DLookup("roomOrder", "tdatRooms", "[room]='" & rst!room & "'") * 1000])
End If
End Sub

I have basically learned Access by trial and error. So I think there's something I just don't understand about parsing through the database and using the DMax function. The routine is just supposed to find the next possible ID value for a given room if the field is blank. I have tried several variations of this code, but it only changes which error comes up.

scopeID and room are both fields within tdatScope.

Any help would be appreciated.
Doesn't look like the DMax is the problem. It looks more like your part here is the problem:

[DLookup("roomOrder", "tdatRooms", "[room]='" & rst!room & "'") * 1000])

There shouldn't be square brackets around the DLookup.

DLookup("roomOrder", "tdatRooms", "[room]='" & rst!room & "'") * 1000)
It's also my first try using a variant by the way, and I thought the square brackets were the syntax for the variant. The code never gets that far. It always hangs up on the DMax. As posted, I get an error 2465 Cant' find the field...

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