Documenting a database


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 21:53
Jul 11, 2004
Hi All

Has anyone noticed that when in database detail (not list) view, looking at the forms objects screen for example, there is a "created" date and a "modified" date for each form , but when you look at the MsysObjects table, the "datecreate" and "dateUpdate" fields have the same info?

Where is the "modified" date stored?

I work with a copy of the live database for development and then import the new/modified objects into the live database. I have a large number of new objects to move to the live database and wanted to produce some checklists to ensure I get them all. So the "modified" date is the key info for these reports.

Any/all assistance greatly appreciated

The MODIFIED date is for DESIGN CHANGES, not data and it would be in the MSysObjects table under dateUpdate.
Hi Bob

That's what I would have expected.

However I clearly have forms that I have modified the design of, and these do show up with different modified and created dates in database objects detail view, yet these do NOT have different datecreate and dateupdate info in the MSysObjects table. This table reports the create date (and time) in both fields.

I have run a query on the table comparing these date fields and they are all identical for forms, but I note it does show different dates for Queries and Tables.


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