drop down writing to look up table


Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 18:16
May 9, 2012
Looking for help!!

I have built a couple of databases, but now am trying to "normalize" and not use the lookup field in my tables.

I created a form based on a query. I added a drop down list to it so that field can be edited. However, when that field is chosen, it writes to the lookup table and not to the data table.

Help? Please?
What table is the query based on and what is the Control Source and the Row Source of the combo box? Also if you can give provide at least a basic idea of the structure of the tables involved that would be helpful as well.
Thank you for helping Sean. Before you posted, I started over. Made a new query, and new form. It worked fine. IDK - just one of those things?

Thank you again for trying to help.

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