DSUM by Item Change


Local time
Today, 11:59
Oct 17, 2007
Hello all,

I have a requirement where I must develope a running sum of quantities in a table using a query where the running sum resets when the Assy_Item changes. Example Output is attached.

Please help. I cannot figure this one out.


First, you don't store calculated values in a table. You calculate them in a query.

Second you would use a DSUM function (http://www.techonthenet.com/access/functions/domain/dsum.php) in the query to look back into your table to generate a running total. The key is setting up the DSUM criteria correctly. You would want the 'Assy_Item' field to match and for it to find records where the ID is less than the query record's.
OK, Thanks for the help.

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