I have the below expression in the Control Source in a form which is working for the one field to sum
As well as the sum of BasicPay I need to add other fields within the same tblPayslip under the same criteria.
I need sum the BasicPay + PensionPay + OtherP1 + Other P2 from the same table.
Is this possible with DSum? if so what would be the code?
=DSum("BasicPay","tblPayslip","[payslipDate]>=Forms!FrmPayslip![FYFrom] And [payslipDate]<= Forms!FrmPayslip!PayslipDate")
As well as the sum of BasicPay I need to add other fields within the same tblPayslip under the same criteria.
I need sum the BasicPay + PensionPay + OtherP1 + Other P2 from the same table.
Is this possible with DSum? if so what would be the code?