DSum? Running Total?


New member
Local time
, 21:33
May 31, 2016
I have a table with one column being a new, consecutive date in each record. For each date there are three columns that gives the day's total received count, verified count and cleared count. I would like to add three new columns with the running totals for each received, verified, and cleared.

Any suggestions on how to achieve this through a query?
you cant in a query,
you CAN in a report.
in a report bring down the total field twice, 1 to view that record total, and
1 for running. Set the property RUNNING TOTAL = TRUE.
If you want to try this in a query I believe you can do it with a DSum which would sum the field in question for date less than or equal to it's own. For example for the case of cleared count let's say the field name is ClearedCount, the date has a field name of TransDate, and the table is named TableName then something like:

Cleared Running Sum:  DSum("[ClearedCount]", "[TableName]", "[TransDate] <= #" & [TransDate] & "#")

If your regional settings have dates in dd/mm/yyyy format you might have to use the format function in this to force this into US format mm/dd/yyyy.

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