I am just using this as a simple example for something more complex (relating to pension providers) that I want to model.
I have a number of products, lets (for ease) call them...
I can buy those products from one or more suppliers. Each supplier can supply me with all of these products and they way I record that price is by a percentage above a base price.
So, lets say the base price for the products are...
Bucket - £10
Hammer - £20
Screwdriver - £30
Each supplier has a FIXED percentage uplift for all products.
Supplier A = 10%
Supplier B = 20%
Supplier C = 30%
Id like to produce a table or query which shows my products down the left (in rows) and across the top (in columns) Id like to see the base price and a column for each supplier from my Suppliers table. The data in the supplier columns will be the cost of the product - base cost x supplier percentage uplift. This should be calculated automatically.
As I add a new supplier Id like a new column to be automatically added to the query/table. I don't want to have to manually add these columns
How do I do this ?
I am just using this as a simple example for something more complex (relating to pension providers) that I want to model.
I have a number of products, lets (for ease) call them...
I can buy those products from one or more suppliers. Each supplier can supply me with all of these products and they way I record that price is by a percentage above a base price.
So, lets say the base price for the products are...
Bucket - £10
Hammer - £20
Screwdriver - £30
Each supplier has a FIXED percentage uplift for all products.
Supplier A = 10%
Supplier B = 20%
Supplier C = 30%
Id like to produce a table or query which shows my products down the left (in rows) and across the top (in columns) Id like to see the base price and a column for each supplier from my Suppliers table. The data in the supplier columns will be the cost of the product - base cost x supplier percentage uplift. This should be calculated automatically.
As I add a new supplier Id like a new column to be automatically added to the query/table. I don't want to have to manually add these columns
How do I do this ?
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