Emailing Report Question


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 05:13
Feb 11, 2001
How do I change the file name of a report I am sending.. it defaults to the Query name that the report is based on.. I would like to change it to either a default name(Robs Report.snp) or have it use a filed name from the report(jobname.snp)..

Here is the code I am using...
Dim stDocName As String
Dim strFilter As String

stDocName = "2004 Quote Corian"

strFilter = "[Quote_Number] = Forms![2004 Quote Form Sqft price]![Quote_Number]"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , strFilter
DoCmd.SendObject acReport, stDocName, acFormatSNP, , , , ([Homeowner_name] + " Corian Quote"), "Thank you for the opportunity to quote you on your upcoming Corian job."

Any Ideas?? or should I pound salt??

Wouldn't pounding salt sting a little? ;)

Here are a few ways you could skin this one.

1. Hard code the report name as you already have here
stDocName = "2004 Quote Corian"

2. Store a value in a field in a separate table and use a Dlookup to extract that Data

3. Base the name on a field but that is a little more tricky.

Which you would prefer will dictate your path.
Which ever is easiest...
1. is easiest but less flexible. If you ever want to change the name, it means dabbling with the code.

2. A little more tricky but more flexible as changing a field in a table will change the name for you (or even more flash - change the name according to who is logged into the Db)

3. A bit more tricky again but again leaves you with a little less flexibility.

My choice would be 2 (in whatever fashion). If you are not familiar with DLookup, look in access help - basics are eg in your code example

stDocName = DLookup("[FieldName]","TableName",Where Condition {eg "[UserName] = " & LoginName) 'where LoginName can be a global variable, a field on a hidden form etc.
No..the report I am opening is fine... its the File name of the send object I want to change.. stDocName is correct.. I don't need to change that... Right now it defaults to the Query the report is base on..."2004 query quote.snp" is the file name I am getting... I want to change that to something..

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