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I have a continuous form linked to a DOCUMENTITESTATE table
In the middle above there are textbox-type fields connected to some fields of the table
Below In the body section there are some fields, connected to the data of the DOCUMENTITESTATE table
I use a Command Button to add new records, and the code inside cmdAdd is this:
In the Before_Insert event code there is the actual code that adds the new record
The problem is that this code gives me error 2105 on line 110 in correspondence with the DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
And this behavior only happens a few times, say once out of 5-10 insertions
And ONLY on the version compiled in accde
If I use that piece of code from accdb version, it never reports any errors even after 100 entries in a row, never
Access 2013, 32bit, Windows10 pro, tables connected via odbc to an external db server physically on another pc on the lan
What could cause the different functioning between accdb and accde versions?
Or what is wrong with the above code?
In the middle above there are textbox-type fields connected to some fields of the table
Below In the body section there are some fields, connected to the data of the DOCUMENTITESTATE table
I use a Command Button to add new records, and the code inside cmdAdd is this:
Public Sub cmdAggiungi_Click()
10 On Error GoTo eh_cmdAggiungi_Click
40 Form_BeforeInsert False
50 Me.Dirty = False
60 Form_Current
70 Me.cmbCodice.SetFocus
110 Exit Sub
120 msg_err err.Number, Erl, Error, "cmdAggiungi_Click of Documento VBA Form_frmDocumenti"
130 Resume Next
End Sub
In the Before_Insert event code there is the actual code that adds the new record
Private Sub Form_BeforeInsert(Cancel As Integer)
10 On Error GoTo eh_Form_BeforeInsert
20 If Len(tipo_documento_attuale) = 1 Then
30 ser_doc = InputBox("Inserire la serie documento o premere ENTER per accettare la serie proposta (verra' presa la prima lettere inserita)" & Chr(10) & "(caratteri validi per la 'serie' sono il carattere 'spazio' e tutte le lettere)", "SERIE DOCUMENTO", " ")
40 If Len(ser_doc) < 1 Then Exit Sub
50 If Len(ser_doc) > 1 Then ser_doc = Left$(ser_doc, 1)
60 ser_doc = UCase$(ser_doc)
70 If InStr(" ABCDEFGHILMNOPQRSTUVZKJXY", ser_doc) = 0 Then
80 dummy = MsgBox("La SERIE DOCUMENTO deve essere un valore alfabetico compreso tra i seguenti caratteri ABCDEFGHILMNOPQRSTUVZKJXY oppure un carattere SPAZIO", , "SERIE DOCUMENTO NON VALIDA")
90 Exit Sub
100 End If
110 DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
120 dummy = dati_testata_record_da_form(Me.Form)
140 Me!TIPO_DOCUMENTO = tipo_documento_attuale
150 Me!SERIE_DOCUMENTO = ser_doc
160 Me!DATA_DOCUMENTO = Format$(Now(), "dd/mm/yyyy")
170 Me!ORA_DOCUMENTO = Format$(Now(), "hh:nn:ss")
180 Me!NUMERO_DOCUMENTO = NUOVO_NUMERO_DOCUMENTO(tipo_documento_attuale, ser_doc)
190 Else
200 dummy = MsgBox("Impossibile trovare il TIPO DOCUMENTO da aggiungere", , "TIPO DOCUMENTO NON DEFINITO")
210 End If
220 Exit Sub
230 msg_err err.Number, Erl, "Form_BeforeInsert of Documento VBA Form_frmDocumenti"
240 Resume Next
End Sub
The problem is that this code gives me error 2105 on line 110 in correspondence with the DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec
And this behavior only happens a few times, say once out of 5-10 insertions
And ONLY on the version compiled in accde
If I use that piece of code from accdb version, it never reports any errors even after 100 entries in a row, never
Access 2013, 32bit, Windows10 pro, tables connected via odbc to an external db server physically on another pc on the lan
What could cause the different functioning between accdb and accde versions?
Or what is wrong with the above code?