Error 2585 on closing a form


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Today, 16:16
Mar 25, 2011
I have a list box (In a pop up form) where I can select a record and open it in the management form for viewing / editing / etc.

Below is the code thats works for the double click event (on the list box) and a command button I've added to the form.

Dim strWhere As String
    If Me!List_All_Contacts.ItemsSelected.Count = 0 Then Exit Sub
    For Each varItem In Me!List_All_Contacts.ItemsSelected
        strWhere = strWhere & Me!List_All_Contacts.Column(4, varItem) & ","
    Next varItem
    strWhere = Left$(strWhere, Len(strWhere) - 1)
    strWhere = "[C_ID] IN (" & strWhere & ")"
    DoCmd.OpenForm FormName:="frm_Contacts_Mgt", WhereCondition:=strWhere, DataMode:=acFormReadOnly
    DoCmd.Close acForm, Me.Name '*** line which debug highlists ***

But when I press enter on a record in the list box I get run-time error 2585 and in debug the high-light line is my DoCmd.close? Its strange that it works for the other but not the 'enter' I tried adding DoEvents after looking through some previous posts but I'm not sure if I've used it correctly?
Yep, just tried it again as I've added the 'doEvents' since I tried that one.

Its strange that it only happens on the 'on enter' event for the list box but 'double click' event works fine?
I'm thinking you are not understanding what the ENTER event is. It is NOT when you press your Enter/Return key. It is somewhat similar to the Got Focus event. So, here's an explanation from this link:
Events occur for controls on forms when you move the focus (focus: The ability to receive user input through mouse or keyboard actions or the SetFocus method. Focus can be set by the user or by the application. The object that has focus is usually indicated by a highlighted caption or title bar.) to a control, and when you change and update data in a control.
Moving the focus to a control

When you move the focus to a control on a form — for example, by opening a form that has one or more active controls or by moving to another control on the same form — the Enter and GotFocus events occur in this order:

If you are opening a form, these events occur after the events associated with opening the form (such as Open, Activate, and Current), as follows:
Open (form) → Activate (form) → Current (form) → Enter (control) → GotFocus (control)

So what code have you put in the On Enter event of the listbox?
Bob, Thanks for the reply.

This is where I've got confused! On my list box as well as the button / double click opening the record I want an 'enter'or 'return' to select a record if they decide to use the keyboard to scroll down using there arrow keys. In my lack of knowledge with Access I saw 'On Enter' and thought that was for when someone pressed the enter key! I there for put the code in my original post againest the On Enter Event.

How do I get a 'enter / return' form the keyboard to work then?
Worked it out now!

Had a look through a book and a quick google to find the ascii code for enter and I have it!

Private Sub List_All_Contacts_KeyPress(KeyAscii As Integer)
    If KeyAscii = 13 Then
        Exit Sub
    End If
End Sub

I should have used on keypress and declared the key I need to 'action'.

Thanks folks
Actually there is a much easier way. I didn't get a chance to come on here to answer before you used your other method, but the simple solution is to set the property called DEFAULT of the command button to YES. That would have done it completely.

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