Error 3464 - Data type mismatch


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Today, 17:24
May 27, 2011
I sooo need some help. I'm volunteering for a charity and said I would try to help improve the reporting for the charity shops and now I'm stuck!!

What I have is a very simple table with the following fields:
Week of
CDs etc

The 'week of' field contains the start date for that weeks data (eg 12/05/2011)
The 'shop' field contains one of 6 possibilities
All the other fields contain numerical data indicating quantities of items sold.

I have tried creating a form that the user can enter start and end dates in, select one or more shops and then see the data in a report.

I got as far as getting the start and end dates working but the list box for the shops seems to be causing problems - do I need to create a table just for the shops so they are listed only once and relate it to the shop sales table?

The code I am using is below - I am a VBA thicko and generally rely on finding code online and tweaking it (have been doing this for a while in Excel but not in Access so I'm really struggling).

Very, very grateful for any help anyone can provide.


Private Sub cmdFilter1_Click()
'Purpose: Build up the criteria string form the non-blank search boxes, and apply to the form's Filter.
'Notes: 1. We tack " AND " on the end of each condition so you can easily add more search boxes; _
we remove the trailing " AND " at the end.
' 2. The date range works like this: _
Both dates = only dates between (both inclusive. _
Start date only = all dates from this one onwards; _
End date only = all dates up to (and including this one).
Dim strWhere As String 'The criteria string.
Dim lngLen As Long 'Length of the criteria string to append to.
Const conJetDate = "\#mm\/dd\/yyyy\#" 'The format expected for dates in a JET query string.

'Look at each search box, and build up the criteria string from the non-blank ones.

On Error GoTo Err_Handler
'Purpose: Open the report filtered to the items selected in the list box.
'Author: Allen J Browne, 2004.
Dim varItem As Variant 'Selected items
Dim strDescrip As String 'Description of WhereCondition
Dim strDelim As String 'Delimiter for this field type.
Dim strDoc As String 'Name of report to open.

'strDelim = """" 'Delimiter appropriate to field type. See note 1.
strDoc = "Shop Sales Revised Categories"
'Loop through the ItemsSelected in the list box.
With Me.lstShop
For Each varItem In .ItemsSelected
If Not IsNull(varItem) Then
'Build up the filter from the bound column (hidden).
strWhere = strWhere & strDelim & .ItemData(varItem) & strDelim & ","
'Build up the description from the text in the visible column. See note 2.
strDescrip = strDescrip & """" & .Column(1, varItem) & """, "
End If
End With

'Remove trailing comma. Add field name, IN operator, and brackets.
lngLen = Len(strWhere) - 1
If lngLen > 0 Then
strWhere = "[Shop] IN (" & Left$(strWhere, lngLen) & ")"
lngLen = Len(strDescrip) - 2
If lngLen > 0 Then
strDescrip = "Shop: " & Left$(strDescrip, lngLen)
End If
End If

'Report will not filter if open, so close it. For Access 97, see note 3.
If CurrentProject.AllReports(strDoc).IsLoaded Then
DoCmd.Close acReport, strDoc
End If

'Omit the last argument for Access 2000 and earlier. See note 4.
DoCmd.OpenReport strDoc, acViewPreview, WhereCondition:=strWhere, OpenArgs:=strDescrip
Exit Sub
If Err.Number <> 2501 Then 'Ignore "Report cancelled" error.
MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description, , "cmdPreview_Click"
End If
Resume Exit_Handler

'Date field example. Use the format string to add the # delimiters and get the right international format.
If Not IsNull(Me.txtStartDate) Then
strWhere = strWhere & "([Week Of] >= " & Format(Me.txtStartDate, conJetDate) & ") AND "
End If

'Another date field example. Use "less than the next day" since this field has times as well as dates.
If Not IsNull(Me.txtEndDate) Then 'Less than the next day.
strWhere = strWhere & "([Week Of] < " & Format(Me.txtEndDate + 1, conJetDate) & ") AND "
End If

'Chop off the trailing " AND ", and use the string as the form's Filter.
'See if the string has more than 5 characters (a trailng " AND ") to remove.
lngLen = Len(strWhere) - 5
If lngLen <= 0 Then 'Nah: there was nothing in the string.
MsgBox "No criteria", vbInformation, "Nothing to do."
Else 'Yep: there is something there, so remove the " AND " at the end.
strWhere = Left$(strWhere, lngLen)
'For debugging, remove the leading quote on the next line. Prints to Immediate Window (Ctrl+G).
'Debug.Print strWhere

'Finally, apply the string as the form's Filter.
Me.Filter = strWhere
Me.FilterOn = True
End If
End Sub
Private Sub cmdReset_Click()
'Purpose: Clear all the search boxes in the Form Header, and show all records again.
Dim ctl As Control

'Clear all the controls in the Form Header section.
For Each ctl In Me.Section(acHeader).Controls
Select Case ctl.ControlType
Case acTextBox, acComboBox
ctl.Value = Null
Case acCheckBox
ctl.Value = False
End Select

'Remove the form's filter.
Me.FilterOn = False
End Sub
Private Sub Form_BeforeInsert(Cancel As Integer)
'To avoid problems if the filter returns no records, we did not set its AllowAdditions to No.
'We prevent new records by cancelling the form's BeforeInsert event instead.
Cancel = True
MsgBox "You cannot add new clients to the search form.", vbInformation, "Permission denied."
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
'Remove the single quote from these lines if you want to initially show no records.
'Me.Filter = "(False)"
'Me.FilterOn = True
End Sub
You just need to set the Row Source for the listbox. You can do this in the properties of the listbox. You have a choice of simply entering a list manually or you can get the list from a table/query. You need to set the Row Source type accordingly.

Post your database if you get stuck.
Thanks Stopher.
I made a bit more progress yesterday and got rid of the data mismatch error but I still can't get the report to work. How do I post the database?

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