Error help


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 04:42
Dec 14, 2006
Hi everyone, i have had the error:

User-defined type not defined

Can anyone help?
Ok sorry,

I have recently created a stock control database, the stock in and stock out works fine, along with the summary of all products giving the quantity in stock. I have been trying to create a report to show the inventory, i came across this code to calculate the quantity on hand which i am tring to use for my report. The only problem is when i run the report and refer to the code in the report in comes up with the error. I cant see any reason why this should be happening. The error seems to happen when it reaches the,

Dim db As DAO.Database

Now i am not sure but i think i need to change the connect property for the database? To Be honest i have done very little programming, and its probably quite straight forward. If you need any more information then i will be happy to post.

it is a reference problem.
In any module goto Tools>Reference...
Scroll down and select Microsoft DAO Object Library (or something like that :))

Thanks very much peter now is sorted and working smoothly!



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