Error sequence (3 Viewers)


Local time
Today, 15:19
May 4, 2020

I have a form "frmDayshift" with a cmd button (Command28) and on the on click event it opens a popup form "frmDayshiftprintchecks" and looks for a matching record by date.

This works fine if there is a matching record but if there isnt, I'd like a message box to notify the user and then close the form but i cant seem to find the right vba.

Would it be better to validate the record on form before update?

Here is my code behind Cmd28

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmDayShiftPrintcheck", , , "[CheckDate]=#" & Me.ShiftDate & "#"

Any support greatly appreciated

Before you open the form, you can check whether there are any records that meet the condition. Something like
If DCount("*", "YourTable", "[CheckDate]=#" & Me.ShiftDate & "#) > 0 Then
   DoCmd.OpenForm "frmDayShiftPrintcheck", , , "[CheckDate]=#" & Me.ShiftDate & "#"
   MsgBox "no records"
Also, start given your controls meanngful names. :( Command28 is not going to mean that much to anyone, including you, a few months down the line. :)
Something along the lines of cmdPrint or cmdPrintChk ?
Last edited:
also you may try this on your behind cmd8 button:

On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmDayShiftPrintcheck", , , "[CheckDate]=#" & Me.ShiftDate & "#"
If Err Then
    Msgbox "No shift for that day!"
End If

and on the Open event of frmDayShiftPrintcheck form:

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Cancel = (Me.Recordset.RecordCount < 1)
End Sub
also you may try this on your behind cmd8 button:

On Error Resume Next
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmDayShiftPrintcheck", , , "[CheckDate]=#" & Me.ShiftDate & "#"
If Err Then
    Msgbox "No shift for that day!"
End If

and on the Open event of frmDayShiftPrintcheck form:

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Cancel = (Me.Recordset.RecordCount < 1)
End Sub

Hi Thanks for this, much appreciated.

The form "frmMain" with the CmdButton "cmdPrintCheck" remains open once the form "frmDayshiftPrintChecks" has opened, how would you close this form please?

I would not, I would open the second form in Dialog mode, so that needs to be closed to get back to the mainform.

I as a user would not want to have to open the mainform again, to process for another date. I would want to go between forms, mainform - second form - mainform -second form etc..
also you can change the code of Open event of frmDayshiftPrintChecks form:
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
Cancel = (Me.Recordset.RecordCount < 1)
If Not Cancel Then
    On Error Resume Next
    DoCmd.Close acForm, "frmMenu", acSaveNo
End If
End Sub
I think you need a text box for Date select just below your onclick command, for example you may call it txtRequiredDate, then you code will be as follows:

Private Cmd28_Onclick()
Dim Cancel as integer
If DLookup("lookupDate", "YourTable", "[ShiftDate] <>#" & Me.txtRequiredDate & "#) Then
MsgBox "Please note that your date does not exist","The form will now close"
Cancel = True
Exit Sub
Dcmd.close "frmDayShiftPrintcheck"
ElseIf DLookup("lookupDate", "YourTable", "[ShiftDate] = #" & Me.txtRequiredDate & "#) Then

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmDayShiftPrintcheck"

End If

End Sub

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