Error When Trying To Resize Subform


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Today, 13:42
Oct 5, 2011
I have the exact same thing happening in two places, only one of them works though.

Here is the code I'm using since I only need to change the height of the subform:

Forms!frmMainMenu!subfrmHome!subfrmLeadClients.Form.Height = newHeight(ClientCount)

This is from the upper most level form that everything is contained under. Then there are some forms which are selected from the tabs, and the subfrmLeadClients which is on the subfrmHome tab.

The error I get is "Application-defined or object-defined error." I'm not sure what the problem could be since I have the same exact code for another section of the program that does the same thing, although on that form it's just me.subfrmName.Height that is being done.

Any ideas?
Last edited:
Fixed the issue. Upon close inspection I didn't need .Form.

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